In this tutorial you will learn how to create automatically the garmin vehicle PNG frame with a gimp script fu.
Gimp is a free picture editing software. It is very powerfull and has a script support.You can download it at http://www.gimp.org
When creating a custom garmin vehicle, you have to create 37 pictures of your vehicle (36 pictures with your spinning vehicle and 1 for the view of your vehicle from the top)
Here, we just want to compose a PNG frame with the 37 PNG pictures, like this :
This frame will then be directly used to generate an .srf file.
- Download and install the provided script (see download at the end of the article)
- In order to install a script fu for gimp on MAC, copy the .scm file into /users/”your username”/library/Application Support/Gimp/scripts/
- Then, launch Gimp software.
- Normally, you will find a new menu called “Batch”, here you will find your program : Garmin Vehicles PNG Frame. Click on it.
- Select the folder where you have generated your 37 pictures on PNG format.
- Select your picture’s name : For example, if you recorded my_car0.png, my_car1.png, my_car2.png….my_car35.png… and… my_car_dessus.png : write the name “my_car”
- Click on validate.
This will normally generate a file my_car_frame.png with your garmin vehicle.
This script is very usefull to create a PNG file that will be converted to .srf garmin compatible file.
Download “garmin vehicle PNG frame” script fu for gimp

4th Mar 2011
Funny script 🙂
But it generates 37+1 pics instead the needed 36+1. I have changed the fake-making part in the script from 2880 to 2801 in the last line, so this works for me:
;;Next one is fake and necessary to fill the 2881 column !
(set! layer (car (gimp-file-load-layer 0 image (string-append (string-append (string-append dirname-in “/”) name) “35.png”))))
(gimp-layer-set-offsets layer 2801 0)
Thank you for making this scripts public