
Garminheaven.com is a website dedicated to garmin gps content only. It has been created by the same people from tomtomheaven.
This site provides free content, but has a “commentware” approach.
Commentware means that you can download thing from garminheaven only if you let feedbacks on each article of the blog.
Welcome here !

19th Feb 2011

32 Responses to “About”

  1. casaufficio says:

    Hello Cyph

    For POI am willing to give aid

    I downloaded the PACK_RADARS of TomTom and I started watching it and to convert some files (there are some problems and some files are not good for the Garmin)
    Icons, sounds, databases, coordinates (OV2)
    If you want you can contact me (you know my mail) so we can better coordinate

    Whatever you want

    Good job

    • Ian says:

      Hi there – what an awesome site!

      You havent got a MINI listed? (either classic or modern) Would be great if possible to have a red one, complete with Union Jack on the roof!!



  2. casaufficio says:

    Buon compleanno,Cyph
    Grazie di tutto!!!

    Happy birthday, Cyph
    Thanks for Everything!!!


  3. michel says:

    y a til un endroit pour s’inscrire a la newletters, je n’ai pas trouvé sur votre site.Continuez votre site est vraiment bien fait,felicitations,ne changez rien.

    • admin says:

      Salut Michel,

      il n’y a pas de newsletters pour l’instant, mais je retiens l’idée dans la mesure où le site démarre à peine !

      Les radars sont sur la bonne voie, la section des curseurs déjà bien garnie…et les voix en cours d’étude…Bref, ca avance, petit à petit, avec les moyens du bord !

      A bientôt !

  4. Eren says:

    Bonsoir, est-ce possible de fabriqué la BMW E30 coupé grise en 3D pour le GPS Garmin svp?

    merci d’avance


  5. Rich says:

    Question or Favor to ask. I have a .srf of a Nissan 370Z, but want to change to color. How can I do this using common software for Mac OSX or can I send your site the srf for conversion. Also, I’m looking for a convertible VW Beatle in Red. Have you seen one around. Many thanks!

  6. admin says:

    first convert your srf file to a png file.
    Then you can edit the png frame with a free software like : The Gimp.
    Save your work and convert your png to an srf file again.

    For VW beetle in red : take look at google sketchup…if you find a model, i can do it 🙂


  7. Alex says:

    Congratulations on a job!

    I’m looking for garmin the Peugeot 3008 .
    There is chance i can get on the site for you?



  8. Stephan says:

    Hi !

    I´m from Germany and just found your website. It is unbelievable what excellent work you are doing !!!

    RESPECT !!!

    Tank you very much for your effort ….

  9. Glowworm says:

    Loving “Flying” firefly down the fosseway!!

  10. adrien says:

    salut !!! il y a 6 mois environ , je t’avais demandé des conseils pour créer mes propres POI , notamment les radars discriminants ; j’en ai chié mais étant routier et en cherchant sur plusieurs sites dont le tien ; j’ai une bonne base de données en CSV ; donc chose promise chose due ; si tu les veux , je te les donne !!!! envoie moi un mail et je t’envoie un dossier compressé comprenant rpl50 rpl70 rpl 80 et rpl 90 !!! à bon entendeur salut !!!

  11. Rowdy Biker says:


    I came across this site, and wanted to say thank you very much for being creative and generous. Sadly I lack the patience and skill to create my own vehicle. I have a red 2014 Dodge Charger (with spoiler). Garmin has “generic” red vehicles but I love my Dodge Charger so much I bought the same car twice! But alas, Garmin has no Dodge Chargers 🙁
    If anyone can do it it’s you Cyph!

  12. Ken says:

    I stumbled on this site and I think the work you’re doing is great!

    Any chance of doing a White Nissan Titan 2013ish / Green Kawasaki KLX450R 2008ish / Blue white black Kawasaki ZRX1200R 2002ish?

    I know, not asking for much…

    Thanik you!!

  13. Jim says:

    How about a Jarvis voice ( Iron Man )?

    that would be fun.

  14. Tom says:

    Very nice- Thank you for the access. I was close to giving up hope now that the “official content” has mostly been pulled down. I’m still having a hard time finding voices, but the vehicles are most appreciated.

  15. Jack says:

    Thank you for the wonderful work! I just found your site today.

    Would you know where I can find Star Wars voices for the Garmin?

    Thank You

  16. Michael says:

    Hey Cyph – My wife had a Nuvi 2597 which got stolen. I got her another one. The one that got stolen had a heart for a vehicle. I cannot find the .srf file for it and if I did Garmin Express won’t let me install it. If I could find it I could probably copy it from my computer into the Garmin folder in the unit. Can you help with this? Thanks

  17. ron says:

    great site, but wish i knew how to install. any instructions around?


  18. Mark says:

    I need a vehicle icon for a Black 2002 Nissan Pathfinder.

    I can’t seem to find one on the web.

    Thank you.

  19. LC86 says:


    J’ai remarqué un soucis sur les 2 derniers packs mis en ligne, les “.” ont été remplacés par des “,” ce qui rend inutilisable les 2 dernières bases de données.

    Peux tu s’il te plait mettre à jour au moins la dernière base sans cette “erreur”

    Et encore merci pour tout ce que tu fais.

  20. Job says:

    Beau travail très précis mais hélas inutilisable en France.
    En effet, depuis cette année 2017, le créateur de cette base de données a changé son système d’exploitation français pour un anglais, un effet du Brexit ?
    En effet, quand on ouvre les fichiers.csv 2017 avec un éditeur de texte sur un système d’exploitation français les points sont remplacés par des virgules… Moralité POI Loader de Garmin accepte de créer le fichier de POI en .gpi mais il ne fonctionne pas sur le GPS et pour cause : les virgules sont vues comme des séparateurs de champ.
    Cette particularité vient de la localisation du système d’exploitation. En Anglais, le séparateur décimal est le point alors que c’est la virgule en Français. Pareil pour le séparateur des milliers avec une virgule pour les anglais et un espace pour les Français.
    Même si on met provisoirement le système d’exploitation de son ordinateur en localisation anglaise, le fichier .csv reste avec des virgules au lieu des points.
    On peut changer cette ponctuation mais il faut faire la majeure partie du travail manuellement la focntion de recherche remplacement ne peut pas être utilisée 8
    Merci de revenir en France !!

  21. Dick says:

    Hi Cyph,

    Great site!! I found it while I was looking for a Smart forTwo, as I have just bought one, and wanted to make .srf files of my own..
    I did see something on a Smart forum, and found a way to create my own srf files here!

    I will definitely try out the tutorial, and make a .srf file of my old 2cv !!



  22. LordCommander says:

    By any chance will Darth Vader’s or Bug’s Bunny Voice be made available?

  23. Doug says:

    so I found this sight and its great but I cant figure out how to upload the icons to my new garmin can you please send me an email on how to load them into my garmin id greatly appreciate it also I have a few more ideas for icons Star Destroyers (Star Wars), Colonial Viper (BSG), Battlestar Galacatica Jedi Starfighter (Star Wars)
    that’s all I can think of for now Please help me get the ones you have that I want on my new garmin

  24. Armel Le Cadre says:

    Bonjour, I own a GPS AERA660. It’s a GPS dedicated to aviation.
    I transformed srf to png file but it seems that files used by this GPS is different from the one used by terrestrial ones.
    The height of the PNG seems to be larger than 150 or 160. It’s seem that there is more image type.
    I own my own airplane, a Long-EZ, and it doesn’t appear in the list. I have a 3D file of it I done with Blender. It’s easy for me to generate the png.
    Could you give me some informations about the process to add the plane in my AERA66O GPS.
    Thanks a lot.

  25. Lee says:

    Hiya, Love this site, have been using it for a couple of years now. i use my garmin sat nav on a daily basis as i drive for tesco. Would love to see a tesco van vehicle on here.
    keep up the good work

  26. boatboy_srq says:

    This is a great resource.

    I’m looking forward to seeing the voices section grow.

    The only three vehicles I would like to see are the Cylon Base Ship (reboot) and The Narn and Minbari cruisers from B5.

    GREAT WORK! KEEP IT UP. And a big THANKS from all of us that can’t get this stuff from Garmin anymore.

  27. matthew says:

    would you be able to make a vw transporter in blue please?

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