
If you want a vehicle cursor for your garmin GPS (for example your personnal car), do not hesitate to ask us here !

20th Feb 2011

455 Responses to “Vehicles”

  1. Adam says:

    Hi there

    I drive a black VW Polo Vivo, which a car for the South African market.

    Is it possible to make a cursor for it?


  2. Jason says:

    I was wondering if you can make a silver toyota FJ cruiser?

  3. Marc says:

    I would like a Honda civic type r 2004, please?

  4. Theo says:

    Hi, could you create a raving rabbit, please?

    Thanks for your good job.

    • admin says:

      Raving rabbids, what a good idea 🙂
      i love them !!!!

      But…but…but…the existing 3D sketchup model is so pityfull that i can not use it to make a garmin cursor…:(

  5. admin says:

    Any other idea?

    • James says:

      Thank you for your work and creating gar in vehicle icons. One I would like to have is a dually truck, hauling a 5th wheel trailer. There are lots of us on the road but no published icon (that I can find)

  6. Stefano says:

    hi, you don’t have a vw corrado white?? thank’s Stefano

  7. Marcel says:

    Hi there!
    Your site is absolutely awesome! But I’d have a request for about three vehicle icons I couldn’t find on here. Maybe you are able to create or find them, if you don’t mind, please?

    The 3 cars, I’m looking for would be:
    – VW Golf (Mark III, Europe Edition) from 1997 in “Midnight Black Metallic”
    – Skoda Fabia Sportsline (EU) from 2008 in “Magic Black” (Speaking of black all over, not the version with a different colored roof!)
    – Peugeot 407 SW (EU) from 2008 in “Anthracite Metallic”

    I’m looking forward to your answer! 🙂

  8. cooldude75ph says:

    Your site is so awesome! I never thought I’d see updated Garmin vehicles in one site 😀
    Can I make a request? I like to see a Garmin vehicle for Kia Sorento. If you could make one, that’d be super! 😀

  9. admin says:

    Sorry, no 3D model for Kia sorento … 🙁

  10. Michel says:

    Hi, could you create a mercedes c-class (w204), please?

    Thanks, Michel

  11. Bill says:

    Hello. Any chance of making a BMW R1200GS vehicle (prefer silver or blue)? Most of us GS riders use the Garmin Zumo. There seem to be several 3D models around…

    Thanks! Bill.

  12. Misterlylow says:

    Is it possible to make a vw red bettle using this sketchup model : VW Beetle by Magic for Malgorzata -full car ?

    In any case, I thank you for your work and your attention.



  13. marco says:

    hi,it´s possible to make vw polo year 2006 model 9n silver?3 or 5 doors,no matter.

    Thanks for your great job!

  14. admin says:

    Sorry, i have only found a volkswagen polo mk5 2010 silver…already available in download.

  15. marco says:

    you can do it?Please?I searching for months but don´t find it.

    Thanks for your attention!

  16. joe says:

    any chance you can make one of the ship Serenity (TV show Firefly)?

  17. Doug says:

    Hi, could you create a military hummer and an army stryker, please?

    Thanks for your good job.

  18. Melody says:

    Would it be possible for someone to make the TARDIS?

  19. Alex says:

    i tried to make a pajero sport withouy any luck could you give a try?

    the link of the model is: http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/details?mid=9214de10b7a0d841a22685c79b259448&prevstart=0

  20. Alex says:

    Cher Cyph
    apparament mon message c’est perdu sur la pajero sport
    est ce possible de creer un icone?

    Merci d’avance

    (etant membre dans le club pajero de grece je cherche aussi pour un icone de pajero pinin,
    et je vais pointer ton site a la primiere ocasion)

    Merci d’avance

  21. charly says:

    Bonjour Cyph,

    Sympa les icônes voiture personnalisées pour le gps.
    Serait-il possible d’avoir la Citroen Xsara berline en gris ? ce serait pour mon amie.

    Merci d’avance, et joyeux réveillon !!!

    • admin says:


      j’ai trouvé seulement une Citroen Xsara verte 🙂

      Il faudrait que je regarde la “colorisation” des modèles dans sketchup…faisable mais pas immédiat.
      Faudra revenir !!!


      • charly says:

        Merci, c’est cool, mais je ne la voit pas dans la liste.
        Pour la couleur, c’est pas grave, c’était juste au cas ou, mais à la limite je pense que je pourrais la changer moi même.

        Merci encore 😉

  22. Luis says:

    Cyph what a great website! I searched in your library and didn’t see a VW Touareg. I have A 2010 black one, looks like the R50 touareg. any chance of adding one to your collection?

  23. JULUS says:

    Serait-il possible d’avoir la C3 picasso en blanc ?

  24. Jules says:

    Salut !!
    Dit je cherche desespérément le C3 picasso en blanc c’est possible d’en avoir un !
    Merci d’avance Cyph !!!

  25. Jules says:

    Merci !! 🙂

  26. Chiara says:

    Hi dears! This website is amazing, my compliments!
    Do you think you will be able to provide the NEW Ford KA (grey jellyfish) as a garmin vehicle?
    That’s my beloved car!
    Thanks&wish you all the best!

  27. Chiara says:

    Hi Cyph,

    thanks for your reply,

    It would be amazing if you could really make it!

  28. Chiara says:

    Thank you!!!! \(^_^)/

  29. Seb says:


    D’abord, bravo pour ce site et votre travail!
    Ensuite, je suis à la recherche d’un citroen xantia. Si vous avez ca, je suis preneur!

  30. Сергей says:

    Здравствуйте можно мне skoda fabia 2 спасибо

  31. Сергей says:

    skoda fabia 2 red

  32. deroo says:

    possesseur d’une Citroen DS3 rouge aden avec toit blanc, retro blanc et jantes blanches …..
    est ce possible
    j’ai vu dans la liste une bleue à toit noir

  33. deroo says:

    site genial
    est ce possible citroen DS3 rouge aden avec toit, retro et jantes blanches ?????

    merci d’avance
    la bleue est sympa mais je roule dans une rouge

  34. Seb says:

    Heu, bonne question, je ne suis pas sur…
    (Désolé, réponse tardive car en vacances!!!)

  35. Сергей says:

    Bonjour pourquoi vous m’ignorez est très nécessaire rouge шкода фабия 2

  36. chrysha says:

    Super travail, c’est remarquable.
    Je recherche une citroen DS4 blanche, est ce envisageable ?


  37. derrick says:

    hi, i was wondering if you have anything for motorbike?
    i am looking for the bmw r1100/1150GS.

  38. Tony says:

    Votre site est super! Bravo!
    Pourriez vous faire une Peugeot 308 (grise si possible). J’ai trouve des sketchups sur internet mais je ne sais pas comment les transformer en véhicules pour GPS.
    Merci d’avance,

  39. Stian says:

    Hi Cyph

    Was wondering if you could make an red Golf type 6 for my girlfriend she want’s it so bad for her Garmin 🙂

    Many thanks

  40. Philip says:

    It would be so cool if you could make a Maserati Quattroporte 😀

  41. John says:

    Hi, This is amazing. I would really like a Citroen C5II estate (2005-2008), Beige if possible

    Thanks a lot!!

  42. steve says:


    i made a sketch up model of a peugeit 407 sw with a caravan trailer on the back of the car
    (so far so good)

    but no i cant get it how i must make an srf file of it

    can you help me plz

    i can send the file in an e-mail if you like
    grtz steve

  43. Gianluca says:

    Can you make me the Hyundai i20?

  44. Paul says:


    These are excellent, thanks for sharing them … any chance of a Red Citroen Xsara Picasso?



  45. Geoff says:


    Great site, full of interesting and kooky stuff.

    I was wondering whether you’d have the time (and the inclination) to create the latest Honda Accord (Inspire in the US) in a Buran Silver (a sort of light bronzy silver)?
    There’s a sketchup on Google at “http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse”.

    I’ve attempted to get my head around the technical stuff of building my srf but keep tripping over seemingly insurmountable hurdles.

    Atb, Geoff

  46. Andon says:

    A Toyota Hilux 4 door would be SHAWEEEEEEEET!

  47. Trevor says:

    Your website is awesome! Any chance of a white 2008 Hyundai Accent?
    Best Regards

  48. Brian says:

    Hi! Awesome site!

    Is it possible for you to do a white Toyota Land Cruiser 70 series?

    Great work!

  49. Alex says:

    Mon fils de 2 ans adorerais mettre un tracteur agricole sur mon garmin.
    Et perso, j’ai un nouveau Zafira Tourer blanc!
    Si cela vous est possible??
    Merci bcp.

  50. Tim Forsyth says:

    I downloaded your Fiat 500 (I have one of the new ones but I like what you’ve got) so that will go on my Garmin but my wife has her own Garmin and drives a white Chrysler PT Cruiser.
    Any chance ?
    Thanks so much.


  51. Tim Forsyth says:

    Thanks anyways but I found a PT and changed it to white and I modified your Fiat 500 so it’s olive green like mine.
    I appreciate your work.


  52. Piffer says:

    Hi, great work!

    Is it possible to make Chevrolet Captiva 2008 year black?

    Thank you in advance!


  53. Francisco says:

    Great page, love it! keep creating more. wondering if you can build a nice Peterbilt tractor with a trailer. Great Job. Wish you the best>

  54. Francisco says:

    whats your fb page , tomtomheaven?? or garminheaven??

  55. Alex says:

    Good afternoon.

    Can you create vehicles for white Skoda Yeti.
    For earlier thanks.

  56. Marcin says:

    Hi, great website, and great cars icons.
    Can you please make a white Nissan note 😉
    Thank you

  57. Jose Felix says:

    Your site is absolutely awesome! I appreciate your work.
    I have read your tutorial and try to manipulate sketchup to create automatically rotating vehicle’s pictures but it doesent work. I have downloaded Sketchup 8 and the rotate scrip.
    The PNG files looks likes a black square. Could you help me?

  58. eddy_duyung says:

    Hii Admin,
    could i request to have an Suzuki Vitara JLX ( old model aka first model )..i wish to have this icon for my vechile in my garmin nuvi 50

    regards n Thx.

  59. Mark says:

    hi im looking for a silver/grey Mazda 3 MPS MK2 can you please help

  60. George says:


    I’ve been looking for a white 2005 Nissan Maxima. One with the optional sunroof would be great!


  61. BalooDK says:

    I would love to have a black Mitsubishi Colt 5 door 2008 on my nuvi… PLEASE 😉

  62. Myst says:

    Please create a Citroen DS4 for Garmin !!!

    Thank you.

  63. alan says:


  64. olaf says:


    Ik have a Reanault Grand Espace mk 4 silver metalic. I would like to have it on my nuvi t1490.

    Thank you

  65. Bob says:

    I would like a 99-04 Nissan Pathfinder in Sahara Sand Metallic (Gold) color. I found the correct Pathfinder but in blue.

    Thanks so much!

    • Bob says:

      I tried to change the color on the vehicle myself but no luck… I’ve never used Gimp before.

      Perhaps I could email the file to someone who may be able to help?

  66. Mark says:

    Can you create for me a white highway coach like Prevost or MCI?

    Thanks for your help.

  67. Frank says:

    im looking for 2010 Toyota corolla S or XRS black. thank you

  68. Michael says:

    Can you create a lime green 2013 Ford Fiesta? Thank you

  69. Michael says:

    Will do! Thanks

  70. Michael says:

    Ok! Trying to do this on my own using your tutorial… Having an issue with importing all the images into gimp (I have a pc… No Mac). Is there an easy way?
    The image I took from sketchup is:


  71. Euan says:

    Hi there I’ve been looking for a black Citroen c1 2006 I’ve. seen a yellow Peugeot 107 available on the net which obviously has the same rear but the front is wrong, just can’t find a c1. Would it be possible for you to make one please ?

  72. Diego says:

    Can you create a honda city 2013 (silver) model? Thanx and greetings from Buenos Aires, Argentina.

  73. Aaron Davies says:

    I am interested if an avatar can be made for a 2001 Nissan Pathfinder SE (Navara) in Gold? I will definitely link you on our forum! Thanks for all you do!

  74. john sott says:

    Hey I was wondering if you can do a maroon 1969 buick riviera? More than happy to donate for it 🙂

  75. Jesse says:


    I have a 1991 Camaro Teal Green with T-Tops. Wondering if a icon could be made for that please? Happy to donate! Thanks!

  76. Björn says:


    Is it possible to make an Avatar with the logo of the german Soccer Club “Borussia Dortmund” BVB09?
    That will be great!


  77. Kent Pharr says:

    Can you do a 1968 Dodge Charger? Any color. 68′ is like the General Lee on the Dukes of Hazzard. Thanks for what you do.

  78. Robert Brown says:

    How about an app that allows us to upload a photo of our vehicle that is converted and installed onto our Garmin?

    • admin says:

      I don’t really understand what you mean…Each garmin vehicle is made from a 3D sketchup model…if you upload an image, it is not suffisant…you need to either identify an existing 3D model or make one.
      Best Regards,

  79. James Saldana says:


    is it possible for you to make the car from supernatural? the black, 4 door, 1967 chevy impala?

    that would be awesome!


  80. Vanyev says:

    Any chances of a silver Suzuki Aerio wagon/SX?

  81. Kerzhan says:

    I have a maroon Volkswagen Passat B4… would you be able to create that vehicle? Thanks in advance!

  82. Stu says:

    Any chance of seeing a Klingon Bird of Prey or a Klingon D7 Battle Cruiser, or maybe even a Borg Cube… since I see Star Wars has some decent representation here? 😉

  83. bars says:

    Hi, requesting for a gen2 toyota rav4 year model 2001-2004, 4 door type, color silver. i have seen a sketchup of the 2-door model. i dont know if theres a 4-door type. maybe you can stretch that out, haha. thanks.

  84. Michael says:

    Would you be able to make a Red version of the existing Suzuki Swift?

  85. Matthew says:

    Can you make the Batman Begins “Tumbler”? 🙂

  86. Thomas says:

    Any chance you could do the Vorlon ship and/or the White Star from babylon 5?

    Vorlon: http://www.shipschematics.net/b5/images/vorlon/cruiser_vorlon.jpg
    White Star: http://wyrdrune.wy.funpic.de/pix/b5rpg/wsglory.jpg

  87. turner says:

    Can you make a gold 2006 subaru outback wagon

  88. Mike says:

    Silver Dodge Ram 1500 Quad Cam (Hemi not necessary lol) ?

  89. Tim Flanagan says:

    Hi, I’m a huge fan of your work and was wondering if you could do a White Hyundai Elantra (Either 2011, 2012, or 2013 since they all look so similar!) Thanks!

  90. Randy says:

    Hi, could you make a late model Mazda Mx5 in red?

  91. Tony says:

    Awesome work! Is it possible to get a Nissan Titan Pickup in blue?

  92. Greg says:

    Brilliant stuff… any chance of a renault Grand Espace / Espace??

  93. Hans-Jochen Nissen says:


    Great work you do! I like it!
    I wonder if you can do a cursor like that Volvo have in the RTI?
    Or that cursor VDO dayton have?

    And if you will do them in different colours,i will be very happy!
    (Black, Yellow, Blue, White, Red)


  94. Hector L. Rodriguez says:

    By any chance could you recreate the Toyota 4Runner 2011 Trail in Dark Gray?

    Thanks and Great work you do here!

  95. Enzo says:


    great site!
    I was wondering if there is a chance to have an icon for an 05 Mustang, in burgundy color…
    Would just be awesome!

  96. dustin rick says:

    hello…just found this site…its awesome btw. was wondering If u could pull of a 2nd gen xterra in dark grey with a cb antenna. Thanx man

  97. Tim says:

    Hello – you have an amazing site! Could you make a Classic Saab 900? There is a sketchup model of it.


  98. Julus says:

    J’ai vu en modèle sketchup du C3 picasso mais le modèle est en noir et moi je le voudrais en blanc si c’est possible de me le faire ca serai très sympa. Merci

    • admin says:

      Je l’ai fait qu’un noir car le modele est un “low” poly…texturé uniquement avec des images…
      Désolé, je ne peux pas faire mieux que ça !!!

  99. Paul says:

    Hi, Could you do a black 2010 Nissan Murano?


  100. ChiLL says:

    Hi, Could you do a blue cyan Peugeot 307 CC?


  101. Jon says:

    How do I install the vehicles and voices?

  102. George A says:

    Looking for a greatful dead magic bus.

  103. Jason says:


    Are you able to convert the Suzuki Swift file to a lime green one??


  104. Diego says:

    Can you create a honda city 2013 black model?

  105. Julus says:

    Je voudrais savoir si il est possible d’avoir la C3 Picasso. Merci

  106. Sharyl says:

    Can you make the Family Truckster from National Lampoon’s Vacation?

  107. Rob says:

    The new Kia Rio by any chance?

    I love your stuff!


  108. Sleepin says:

    I have about 25 that I have built in the last couple days and many more to come. If you are interested in adding them to the list, feel free to contact me.

  109. enzo says:

    Any chance of a vauxhall Astra J (2012 mk6) in red please?

  110. Krsna says:

    Can you make a Kia Forte:

    Appreciate your effort and contribution.

  111. BOINK says:

    I am looking for a chevy Colorado 4 door in either grey or banana yellow. Thanks !

  112. Rudy says:

    hi can you make a 97 chevy suburban red

  113. Jason says:

    Do the have the 3D model for a green jeep wrangler?


  114. I second the wrangler. Any color. Big tires and a lift would be a plus.

    you rock.

  115. Twig says:

    Could you make a silver ’13 Mustang GT coupe?

  116. Jim Foote says:

    What are chances on a burgundy Honda Ridgeline?
    Thanks –
    Jim ‘

  117. tony says:

    hi could you possible make a purple renault master lwb van and a white one to

    cheers tony

  118. Chris K. says:


    Can you make a 4-door Toyota Tacoma in Dark Green?



  119. john says:

    hey any chance to do a red chevy sonic?

  120. fishman says:

    Looked long and hard for this one. But any chance of JEEP Grand Cherokee Yr 2000 — 2004 silvery gold colour. Would a JEEP splash screen be possible on a Nuvi 53LM. ????
    Many thanks for your time and help.

  121. nick says:

    If I send you a ready .srf blue car can you change it from blue,silver?

  122. Kenneth says:


    Is it possible to make a grey bmw E91 touring 3 series ? Tx a lot !

    ps. i’ve seen a model on 3D warehouse in white…


  123. José says:

    hi, cloud you make a Chevy Captiva?? (http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/details?mid=67c8552c353fb9b69c3ecb1aac5696ef) thank’s in advance

  124. Dave says:

    Hi! Thanks for the great vehicles! I’d like to request the following:

    1. Silver Mazda MX-5 convertible
    2. F-15 Eagle fighter jet
    3. B-2 Stealth Bomber


  125. Leandro says:

    Could you make a GM Sonic 2014 in color White? Mine is a hatchback!
    Thank you!

  126. Calle says:

    Volkswagen T4 Transporter 1993-2002 white if possible…


  127. H-J Nissen says:


    Great work you do! I like it!
    I wonder if you can do this cursor


    in different colours, Black, Yellow, Blue, White, Red?

    Then I will be very happy!

    Thanks, Hans-Jochen

  128. Unevenload says:

    Any chance you have a steel blue Honda Ridgeline?

  129. Marcos says:

    Would it be possible to make a green Range Rover Sport and a Dark Grey Volkswagen Tiguan?
    Much appreciated.
    Great jog on the rides posted already.

  130. Alvaro GIL says:

    It’s possible to you to make a CHERY QQ 311 model in colour RED.
    And a CHERY BEAT or X1 in colour White and bumper crop BLACK.
    Thanks in advance,
    You have made a great work. CONGRATULATIONS.
    PD: In the past there was an icon with GARMIN in the roof, Do you know where is the file?
    Alvaro GIL

  131. Wilfried says:

    Any chance of making a BMW G650GS bike in red?
    That ouwld be awesome, thanks.

  132. Lana says:

    So I have 3 requests,

    1. Can you do animals? If so, I’d love a black cat.
    2. A dark green 2008 miata
    3. Bright yellow Jeep rubicon. My boyfriend’s jeep has a happy face spare tire cover, that would be some serious bonus points.


  133. Paul says:

    Could you do a 2006 Mustang convertible in silver?
    Thanks Paul

  134. Paul says:


    Could you please do a 06 Mustang Convertible in silver?


  135. Murf says:

    Late 80’s GM models:

    1987 Oldsmobile Cutlass T-tops – Grey 😉

    1988 Monte Carlo SS – Black/red stripes


    2008 GMC Acadia lol – Blue

    teach me your ways! 🙂

    I think these are neat as hell!

    Thank you

  136. Kostas says:

    I would like a white suzuki grand vitara 2 door 1999-2005 model!
    Is that possible? I would really appreciate it!

  137. Leonard says:

    How about a black 2009 Solstice roadster? With a few clues from you, I’ll bet I can come up with a rainbow of colors from one in black.

  138. Kostas says:

    Still waiting!

  139. Nick says:

    Hi there,

    Would love a black Land Rover Defender short wheel base if that’s possible?


  140. Scotophor says:

    Hello Cyph,

    If you are still making Garmin icons, some that I have been unable to find:
    Toyota Sienna minivan 2009 light green
    Toyota Camry 2009 Silver
    Green Hornet “Black Beauty”
    Toyota 3D logo

    Thank you for maintaining this great site!

    • Scotophor says:

      More famous vehicles not yet found as Garmin icons:
      From “The Dukes of Hazzard” TV series- Hazzard County Sheriff car, Daisy Duke’s Jeep, Boss Hogg’s Cadillac.
      From the movie “Harold and Maude”, Harold’s unique custom Jaguar E-type hearse.
      How about a stock DeLorean DMC-12? (not the Back to the Future movie versions, which already exist for BTTF I and II)
      For the die-hard BTTF fans, the 1955 DeLorean time machine with the red wheels, whitewall tires, chrome hubcaps, and vacuum-tube circuit on the hood. Perhaps also, the 1885 version with the railroad wheels. Doc Brown’s flying locomotive would be good too. How about a “pedestrian”, Marty McFly on a hoverboard from 2015?
      Speaking of flying vehicles, we need a Chitty Chitty Bang Bang!

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  142. Pebro says:

    Good day. It is able to do BMW R1200GS vehicle? Personally, I have a Garmin Zumo 590 LM. I also have 50 pictures of this motorcycle, just do not know how to do.
    Thank you

  143. Le says:

    What about Iron Man Mark 7?

  144. Melanie says:

    Is it possible for you to make some Geo Metro cursors?
    There are a few different body styles…
    1989-1993 Convertible…
    1989-1994 Hatchback…
    1995-2001 Hatchback…
    (There are others, but those would be the most desired, I think…)

  145. Yvonne says:

    Would love to see a 2010 – 2014 Mitsubishi Lancer. Red would be nice. 🙂

  146. JF says:

    I’d like an Astra G in blue if possible. Thanks!

  147. Gary says:

    Can animals be done? I use to have a wolf done up for an older Garmin I had years ago that worked with basic .png files, but these new ones I can’t wrap my head around, let alone a walking or running wolf one like I would love to find. Any luck of making or finding one like that?

    Even if you can point me in the right direction of how to make one, it would be much appreciated. This site rocks and I have already spread the news of it far and wide in my military circles.

  148. Amy says:

    I own a pet teacup pig. Is there any chance of creating a little flying pig? A pink pig with white wings? It would tickle my son to no end!


  149. Matt says:

    A white 07 Scion Tc would be amazing! Thanks in advance.

  150. Loren says:

    I’ve been looking for a few years for a Honda Goldwing… in particular a 1800cc model. there’s a huge interest for bagger bikes on Garmin

  151. Mercedes says:

    do you still do this on request?

    Would be awesome to get the new Mercedes C-Class (W205) (AMG-Line)!

  152. PS3AndroidHacker says:

    2002 Pontiac Grand Prix GT and GTP please!!!!!!! For all Grand Prix owners,i can help distribute the image through Grand Prix forums!!

  153. Tony5150rn says:

    Can you do a Red 1999 Trans Am with a Ram Air hood?

  154. Jeff says:

    Is there a 1995 Eddie Bauer Bronco somewhere I can not find?
    Preferably in blue or red and gold (factory colors)

  155. michel says:

    goodnight beautiful work
    look after my vehicle for my gps without success I arrived on your site
    My vehicle is mercedes w210 e55 amg
    thank you in advance

  156. George Bentley says:

    Your vehicles on here are awesome. I was wondering if you could do a 1994 Toyota pick up, which is gray please?



  157. Fabriano says:

    Can you do a motorcycle with a rider on it, the Suzuki B-King please. In Black.

  158. Fabriano says:

    Can you please also do a White Kia Sorento. thank you in advance.

  159. admin says:

    ouch !!! it has been a long time since I’ve made some vehicles for garmin GPS…I don’t know if my tools are still ok !!!

  160. Amanda says:

    Any chance you could do the Finding Nemo Crew? Dory, Nemo, Etc

  161. Denis says:

    I, i’m looking for a motorcycle : a Spyder of CanAm

  162. Dawson says:

    Hi, there! Can you creat a Polaris RZR vehicle for the GPS? If you can email me, Thanks 🙂

  163. MattB says:

    Could you please make an orange Chevy Sonic? Is it possible to teach others the process of how to create their own vehicles?

  164. Lenio says:

    Hi. Can you make a Nissan Frontier Black 2010? THanks

  165. frank says:


    un Renault espace 4 gris clair, c’est possible?

    merci d’avance.


  166. Hey man appreciate what you are doing! Is ther anyway you can make a Suv police car maybe a police chevy tahoe? if not any suv police car works i can only find a older model police car.

  167. kkoz83 says:

    2 requests please:

    White Ford Escape
    Sand Toyota Sienna


  168. Gilbert Therrien says:


    I drive a white mitsubishi i-miev.

    If you can build a vehicle cursor it will be very appreciated.


  169. Val says:

    Any hope for a Landrover Freelander?


  170. Mike says:

    Hi Cyph,

    Fantastic website, unbelievable detail in all your works. Is there any chance of getting a mobility scooter so I can put it on my gramps sat nav?

    Many thanks in advance, and keep up the great work, it is very much appreciated by all who use this website.


  171. Gregor says:


    could you please make a red Ducati icon with red driver or without driver, please? 😀
    It could be Pannigale or Monster, but even red! 😉

    Thanks in advance!


  172. james says:

    I would like 2 avatars one would be my bike its a Can Am Spyder RT, the other would be a Dixie flag. Thank you

  173. Frank says:

    Can you possibly do a dark blue 2015 Camaro convertible?

  174. Frank says:

    Can you make a dark blue convertible?

  175. Julien says:

    Please Renault Megane 3 RS.

  176. admin says:

    Wahou ! So many asks ! I will recompile my tool since I’ve changed my computer and it does not work anymore…then I’ll try to do some 🙂


  177. Jay says:

    Is it possible to make a Black 2006 Nissan Xterra??

  178. JohnA says:

    Is it possible to do a battleship? Anything WW2 era. How cool would it be to have an animated version that rotates the turrets and fires a Salvo occasionally.

    Cool website, thanks!

  179. Brett says:


    Please come back and make more models! You’re extremely good at this and we need more of your work. Also, if you can, please do a Honda GoldWing motorcycle. Either the 1500 or 1800 model.


  180. Jay says:

    Search for updated versions of gimp or earlier versions. IF older versions wont install and you’re on Windows 7 or higher you can run the installer in compatibility mode for Windows Vista or XP, and try that way to get it installed. If the program installs but wont run correctly do the same thing, run in compatibility mode.

  181. admin says:

    Ok, I finally manage to get it working !!!
    It was a GIMP bug when merging layer !
    Now Sketchup update…

  182. Jay says:

    I PRAY you can make a BLACK 2006 Nissan Xterra SE

  183. Chris says:

    How about a Subaru STI ? Or even just a base impreza?

      • Chris says:

        Have been using this car for the last few months, absolutely love it. Thanks a lot man!

        Was wondering if you could also do a 2005-2009 Mustang GT? Red would be awesome but whatever color would do.

        There is another guy on the page that is requesting for one too.

        My Dad would love it!

        Thanks for your good work.

  184. James Hamel says:

    Still hoping for an F350 dually hauling a 5th wheel.

  185. any chance on Smokey and bandit trans-am 77 Pontiac T-top trans am? or a apache AH-64 helicopter gunship?

  186. Jay P says:

    How about a Black 2006 Nissan Xterra

  187. Randy G says:

    Love the multiple options you have for customizing my Garmin, great site. Can you make the flowing by chance?

    a red Dodge Challenger (2009-2014)

    a red Mazda MX5 (2010-2012)

    if you can great, if not I understand, thanks.

  188. Kevin says:

    Looked through the list, didn’t find a Ford Mustang. I have a 2005-2009 Mustang GT (Tungsten Grey)
    Also have a 1979 Camaro Z28 (in primer gray)

  189. Alex says:


    I would really love to have my Bike on my Garmin zumo, it is a BMW K75RT from 1995 i got from my father who died 2 years ago, it would be sooo nice if you could manage to create that icon!

  190. scott says:

    how about a 2003 chevy suburban black and the 2014 chevy spark lime green

  191. Craig says:

    How about a Saab 340 aircraft, I work for Regional Express Airlines in Australia.

  192. phil says:

    hi i have a opel corsa icon already made but its in gray i was wandering if it was posible to get it in red with white stripes???

    thanks 🙂

  193. Martin says:


    Can you please add a BMW E39 Estate black and Skoda Octavia MK2 (2005) Estate in dark blue?

    Thank you

  194. Cor says:


    Maybe you can help with a “Honda Silverwing” Big scooter (or a “Majesty 400”)

    There are not a lot big scooters here.

    Thank You

  195. Rob says:


    Can you please add a KTM Duke 125

    Thank you


  196. Paul says:

    Any chance of a black Audi A3 convertible RHD top down grey seats. Thanks

  197. Bill says:

    Can you make a cursor for a Red 2nd Gen Nissan Xterra?

  198. Peter Stirman says:

    Hi from Australia
    Can you build/add a White Toyota Hiace Van (2001)
    NOT the “new” shape. Plenty of pics on line

  199. rick says:

    hello, cool site and cool cars!! thanks for doing this!! any interest in doing an Elio ( a new three wheeled ‘autocycle’?



  200. Joshua Malpas says:

    HI there, I can’t find a dual cab Mazda BT50 anywhere, are you able to make one?

  201. allen says:

    do you do voices too?
    I’m looking for the JARVIS voice from Iron Man. 😉

  202. Todd says:

    How about a KIA Soul (preferably red)


  203. v says:

    how about red kia sportage lx (2012)

  204. Paul says:

    Hi, Just wondering if its possible to get a white BMW R1200RT with panniers and box?

  205. James Bryson says:

    Is it possible to do a yellow Can-Am Spyder STS Limited?

  206. Frank says:

    Can you make an FDNY Firetruck Please

  207. frank says:

    Can you make an FDNY Firetruck please.

  208. Henk says:

    Can you make me an Volvo C70 convertible 1998-2005?

  209. Enjay says:


    Firstly, thanks for your website. I’ve got some really cool vehicles from you and have managed to get just about everyone in the family either something that looks like their car or something that fits their personality. e.g. a family member who loves “Back to the Future” uses the Delorian.

    (Here comes the begging part) The one person left out in the cold is my wife. She would love a model of her Vauxall/Opel Adam (preferably red with a black roof) but I can’t find one anywhere. I don’t suppose there is any chance?

    Either way, thanks again for your site.

  210. Bartman says:

    Can you do a red Fiat 500L with skyview please 🙂

  211. Marco says:

    Hi can you please make a blue Honda S2000 with the top down? Thanks!

  212. arielle Tao says:

    can you make pikachu?

  213. Brian says:

    Hi could you do a Red 2017 Ford Escape, thanks.

  214. Chriben says:

    Can you make a dark bleu Mercedes A 160 please

  215. Thunderstorm says:

    Hi is it possible to make a Peugeot 308cc (either top down or up) and a Peugeot 1007 vehicle icon for me please. Thanks so long for the other one I downloaded

  216. Mike00 says:

    Good morning to all!

    I would kindly ask if it’s possible to get a Volkswagen Golf GTI mk7 2014 black color, I have been looking for one but without success.
    Thank you so much ,

    Kind regards

  217. Robb Vosefski says:

    Would it be possible to make and icon of a 1986 M923A1 5 ton military cargo truck? I have one and would like to use that icon if possible.



  218. CHris says:

    Is is possible to get a Ski Doo Blizzard Snowmobile in Yellow and also in Orange?


  219. haa21 says:

    Cool site. Awesome cars! Can you make a 2016 BMW 228i Convertible in black? Please!

  220. Flemming Johannesen says:

    Can you build/add a White Citroën c4 Cactus with black airbumbs, Many thanks in advance.

  221. Theo Rabie says:

    Hi Admin

    I would Love a Volkswagen Amarok Pick Up Truck
    also a Bombardier Global 6000 Aircraft

  222. PommePower says:

    I enjoyed some of your icon, but I ask myself if you could make the star destroyer battle spaceship from star wars (not the dead stars-black stars)

  223. marco says:

    Can you make a white Mercedes a45 2016 please

  224. Chris says:

    Do you have the General Lee from the Dukes Of Hazzard show?

  225. Nick says:

    Is it possible for you to create a Leyland PD2 double-decker bus for me please? I can let you have some photographs of the blue ones in Birkenhead, UK, that I used to work on many years ago. (They are the old-fashioned buses with a hole at the back left-hand corner and no doors!)

  226. jc3dcx says:

    Good day, could you make a Mercedes G-class (Gelandewagon) please,

  227. Dan says:

    looking for a Ford Explorer curser, silver or black if colour is possible.


  228. Kyle says:

    Perhaps a white beetle with 53 on it? Ala Herbie?

    Also, an old timey vw camper bus would be cool.

  229. Stephen says:

    i wanted to see if it was possible to get an Aarons sales an lease small box truck cursor

  230. Marcelo says:

    i’ve been looking for a Toyota GT86, but i couldn’t find it anywhere, could you do it? thanks!

  231. Troy (Wizard) says:

    I would like a custom car/truck for my Garmin, I have a 1994 Toyota Pickup Extended cab. I can provide pictures if necessary. Thank You!

  232. Sébastien says:

    Hello, can you make me a special tractor ?
    It’s a CLAAS XERION (500 hp, Mercedes engine, 4 egual wheels drive, cab in central position)
    Here you will find some photos : http://www.claasofamerica.com/product/tractor/xerion5000-4000-hrc

    Thanks a lot !

  233. Tom Steinbrunner says:

    Do you have, or can you make, a Red Jeep Wrangler Unlimited (4-door) with the black top and black fenders?


  234. Matteo R says:

    Can you make a black alfa romeo giulietta for me?

  235. drb says:

    How about a naked lady doing the backstroke?

  236. Ryan says:

    Can you make a 2017 white Honda Civic? Thank you!!

  237. Javier Fernandez Righetti says:

    Hi, can you make me a red BMW S1000XR, please.

    Thanks you very much!!!!

  238. ingbob says:

    I would compensate your efforts, if you could make me a Kia Sorento 2006 (First Series) in the gray-purple color or Alpine Grey, like the one u can see at this link: http://images.gtcarlot.com/pictures/31036602.jpg . Thank you in advance. Roberto.

  239. DParent says:

    I would love to see some more semi-trucks. perhaps something like a stretched flat top Peterbilt?

  240. engentile says:

    Could you make a firebolt broomstick or a golden snitch?

  241. Phil H says:

    Can I ask if you can make a Fiat camper van please?

    Many thanks in advance.

    Besst regards Phil

  242. rcluster says:

    I would love a Red Chevrolet Astro Van (GMC Safari Van is the same body)

  243. dinfung says:

    can you make a 2017 Honda Civic Type R (FK8)?

  244. Jerry Conners says:

    Found it. I have looked on and off for over a year for this icon. After I left my post yesterday, I looked one more time and found it on the German garage site: https://www.garmin.com/de/extras/garage/all/.



  245. Alan says:

    Hi I have a 1999 silver Ford Cougar and would love to see it as the icon on my Garmin drive-assist. I can send images if required.

  246. Debbie says:

    can you please make me a 2 door blue sunfire 2005 please and thank you. If possible can you send it to my e-mail

  247. Laura says:

    I drive a purple topless Jeep Wrangler, any chance we can see one of those on the site sometime?

  248. Alexis says:

    I drive a Pontiac torrent 2008 teal. I would love to see it! Tx!

  249. les says:

    I have a 2014 Subaru outback WHITE
    I do see a gold one on your list, But would like it in white if possible?

    Also have a 2001 GMC excab truck in red and use the re monster truck icon
    as it is close, just too fat a tires.
    a closer red truck icon would be nice for the GMC excab truck 😉

  250. Nick Bourbaki says:

    Planet Express ship from Futurama

  251. Stuart Pattison says:

    I would like please a black Holden (Chevrolet) Colorado LTZ with hard lid chrome roll bar and black spoke wheels..

  252. Leonardo says:

    salve io vorrei la Ford fiesta anno 2009 pero di colore nero si puo? magari anche con i vetri oscurati

  253. Jason says:

    Could you do the Space ship from Rick and Morty? Rick’s Ship? Thanks in advance, love the site.

  254. Renault Espace 5 2015 year

  255. J. Alexander says:

    My wife just got an agean blue 2019 Honda civic sport 4 door
    I wold like to request it as an icon, thank you for all the great work.

  256. Jeff Alexander says:

    I would like a blue 2019 Honda civic hatchback if possible
    Thanks for the awesome work.

  257. Buddy says:

    I drive a 2001 Toyota Cecilia GT, you think you can make one of these for me

  258. Michael says:

    I have a vehicle (Renault Megane I phase 2 5-door 2001) to upload but I don’t see where to upload it?

  259. Hendrik Caverneels says:

    driving a silver Astra 2011 Sports Tourer;
    Is it possible?
    Thanks in advance

  260. Jeff Nash says:

    Thanks for all of these, they are GREAT!!! What can I use to mod these files? I want to change the black FJ Cruiser to red and blackout like the 2012 Trails Team edition. I converted the file to a PNG file but my old Photoshop 6 will not open it. Thanks.

  261. Miranda says:

    Could you make “the red one” from Lilo and Stitch? (At the beginning of the movie Stitch steals a space ship and an alien lieutenant said “he took the red one”.) https://youtu.be/WEYleII3JaA


  262. Nick Carberry says:

    Can you make a fire engine?

  263. Nick says:

    Can you make a fire engine?

  264. mbr560922 says:

    Could you make a blue GMC Sierra

  265. Stefano says:

    hello, alfa romeo giulietta silver

  266. ken says:

    any chance of making a fiat spyder in red with the top down

  267. Wim says:

    Could you make an icon for Garmin of a Caterham Seven please?
    There is a Sketchup model of a white Caterham Seven car, with black stripes.
    Would be ideal if you could make it dark orange, with black stripes… fitting my car

    Many thanks!

  268. jeff white says:

    Looking for a white Nissan Juke Nismo

  269. twan47 says:

    Hello, i am searching for a camperverhicle, mine is a Burstner Marano 580 2015. the ambulance vehicle i found looks a bit as my camper but i did not find a way to change the file. maybe you can help me.

  270. babylossom says:

    Chevrolet Sprint Green

  271. Ingo says:

    Hy Therese,
    I’m looking for a Mercedes G Type?
    Is it possible?
    BW ingo

  272. Reinout says:

    Can you do a Peugeot Rifter? Tnx!

  273. Alex das Roady says:

    Hello @ all
    ‘ve someone a idea, where i can find a US Police SUV for my Garmin??
    Thank You.

  274. Jim says:

    I found your gold Subaru Outback.

    Any chance you could do one in Green ?

    Thanks for the work you do for us,

  275. massimo says:

    Salve, cortesemente si può avere cursore della ABARTH 500 BIANCA? Grazie tantissime

  276. Kapnismologist says:

    I’ve been looking for a Kia Soul for my Garmin Nuvi for a while.

  277. Jermaine Tejeda Jr says:

    i dont know if you still do this but how bout a Fedex truck

  278. Doug says:

    I love your site. Is there anyway you could create a white Mercedes sprinter van 2500 cursor.

  279. max says:

    Can you add black C-Elysée (2012-2016)?

  280. Franklin says:

    Any Chance you could make a Guard Green 2015 Mustang, Navy Blue 1990 Mercedes 560SEC, or Grenoble Green 1971 International Scout II?

    I can send pics of the Mustang and the Mercedes! It would be greatly appreciated!!

    If not, thank you for the site anyway, it is AWESOME!! Happy to be the Enterprise or a Cylon raider for now 🙂

  281. yvonF says:

    Is there a BMW S1000XR Triple black either

  282. Gene says:

    Could you make a white chev/gmc 4 door pickup with or without a canopy over the bed? 2015-1019

  283. glope says:

    Wow that list is incredible

  284. Jamie says:


    Could you create some UK Police vehicles? Ford Transit Police Van, Pug Police Van?

  285. Kevin says:

    Awesome site, thank you for your hard work and innovation.

  286. Bruce says:

    How about a simple pickup – extended cab, silver, blue

  287. Roger J Smith says:

    Would like to see a DHL van.

  288. Christo says:

    Hi there,
    Could you make Toyota Rav4 III (2006-2012), black or any colour?
    Nice site, thanks! 🙂

  289. fred says:


    avez vous une belle 2cv pour nous guider sur notre garmin vers les rencontres en france?

    Merci, et bien a vous

    fred (belgique)

  290. brat1720 says:

    Wondering if you can do a Jeep Cherokee built up in Burgandy???

  291. Katy says:

    Could you please create a golf cart vehicle icon for garmin?

  292. Roy Bailey says:

    Can you create a Red Subaru Impreza?

  293. Wesley says:

    How about an F4U_4 Corsair

  294. David says:

    Is it possible to get model of Opel/Vaxhaull Astra F (1991-1998)?

    Thank you!

  295. Lester Libfraind says:

    Could you please add 2018 Red Subaru Forester. Thanks

  296. kristian says:

    Hello! Nice work. Could you make please legendary Volvo 740 (white colour).Very grateful ! Best regards!

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