The TARDIS[nb 1][1] (/ˈtɑːdɪs/ (Time and Relative Dimension in Space)[nb 2] is a time machine and spacecraft in the British science fiction television programme Doctor Who and its associated spin-offs.
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4th Jan 2013
Will this work on my ancient but venerable Garmin StreetPilot? Thank you!
i dont know this model…Just try and make us a feedback !!!
Help! I *love* the vehicle-designs you’re posting. And I am *desperate* to download them. But I am having no success. I’ve got a nuvi 760. Is there a compatibility problem, or am I doing something wrong?
Love the Tardis! Can’t wait to use it.
really hope this works!!
I hope to load this on my GPS to surprise my son!
We saw the link at tor.com and had to stop on our way out the door on vacation to install this. It’s awesome. Thank you!
Awesome, my daughter’s going to be so excited to be a companion on the Tardis.
Will this work on my Garmin Oregon 200?